Other traits include immunity to the cold and the exclusive ability to wield True Ice. Most were wiped out when Lissandra turned on the Watchers, resulting in the deaths of her rebelling two sisters and their Iceborn allies, but not only have some remained, it turns out the Iceborn traits are hereditary, with Ashe and Sejuani being direct Iceborn descendants of Avarosa and Serylda. For a more literal take on the trope, The Iceborn are an immortal sub-race of beings (mostly human, but other races can also qualify like trolls) which came about in ancient times after Lissandra made a deal with The Watchers to convert her, her sisters, and their followers into them (her logic was that such timeless immortality would allow them to survive the death of the universe once the Watchers inevitably consume it).Ornn's heat melted the True Ice and his mug never emptied, so he could never finish his drink first. In one of his old tales, a crafty troll tried to prank Ornn with a drinking contest by putting True Ice in Ornn's mug. Ornn, the Freljord demigod of fire and craftsmanship, is the only one capable of melting True Ice, but he makes it melt eternally the Ice itself never goes away, but it'll keep melting and make essentially infinite water.There's also a variant called Dark Ice, tainted by the presence of The Void. True Ice is a phenomenon that only occurs in The Freljord, being a magical super-cold substance that never melts, and is allotropic enough for master smiths to create into weapons, such as Ashe's bow, Braum's door shield, Sejuani's bola, Trundle's club, part of Olaf's axes, and Gragas' brew.It is also the only place on Runeterra where True Ice can be found. While there are many individual tribes, the three greatest are the Avarosans, the Winters Claw, and the Frostguard, each uniquely shaped by their will to survive.

The Freljord is a harsh and unforgiving land, where demi-gods walk the earth and the people are born warriors.